How to make this classic your way (with a little Ayurvedic wisdom)

Pay less for more
Why pay more for healthy eating classics such as hummus when you can make it at home for less (like half price for twice as much in fact!)? Sticking everything you need into a blender takes no more than 5 minutes and will give you enough of this beautiful, versatile vegetarian staple to feed the whole family - without all the nasty preservatives!
What Ayurveda says about hummus in May
As the days gradually grow longer and we begin to move into Summer, our diets need to become lighter, brighter and fresher; we are slowly making the switch from 'soups and stews' to 'beans and greens' enjoying more salads, beans, peas, lentils and fruits. Warmer days lessen the agni and appetite meaning we can no longer able to handle heavy, hearty foods and feel better when favouring bitter and astringent foods, enjoyed with gentle pungent spices for agni boosting. Hummus, made the Ayurvedic way, is perfect, especially for kapha types who need the increased fibre and 'scraping' activity of beans to keep them regular and feeling light and fresh. Garbanzo beans, or chick peas (and most other beans, in fact!) are also cooling, astringent and drying so perfect to pacify the hot, liquid nature of pitta.
Lets get creative
You may already know that hummus, the delicious Middle Eastern vegetarian chick-peas based dish, is packed with goodness (who doesn't love a good chick pea?) and is often enjoyed with a delightful array of toppings, bread and vegetables. What you may not know is that hummus DOESN'T ALWAYS have to be chickpeas, nor does it have to have middle eastern toppings (though they are so good) or be served with bread (maybe lets get creative?)
I know, crazy right.
As Ayurveda is ALL ABOUT making things your own, modifying recipes to fit your dosha, your digestion (agni) and your lifestyle, we decided to give you run down of hummus alternatives, including beans, vegetables, oils and sides, so you can find something that fits you.
The recipe for hummus is usually chickpeas, lemon juice for sharpness, tahini for earthy flavour, garlic for pungency, oil for texture and salt. All topped with parsley and paprika. Now its time to do your own thang!
Choose your bean
- Chickpeas (perfect with traditional eastern spices or with sweet/roasted vegetables like carrot or beets)
- Broad bean (a delight with citrus or fresh herbs)
- Kidney bean (hardy kidney beans go well with hot Mexican spices)
- Fava bean (work well with fresh herbs like mint and creamy avocado)
- Butter bean (great with greens such as wild garlic)
- Black bean (great with hot, spicy and fresh Afro-Caribbean flavours)
Almost all beans, being light, dry, cooling, bitter and astringent tend to pacify pitta and kapha and increase vata. If you are vata type, or have increased vata, we recommend adding extra healthy fats and warming spices to make your hummus tridoshic. Though remember for your food to digest well its important not to combine beans with cheese, eggs, fish, milk, meat or yoghurt!
Choose your seasonal vegetable
We have indicated which vegetable is good for which dosha by the letters V, P, K
- Roasted beetroot (V, P)
- Asparagus (V, P, K)
- Ghee fried onion (V, K)
- Courgette (V, P, K)
- Roasted Carrot (V, P)
- Avocado (V, P)
- Sun-dried tomato (very occasionally as they are inflammatory)
- Roasted pepper (very occasionally as they are inflammatory)
Choose your spices and fresh herbs (these can be used inside, on top or both)
We have indicated which spice is good for which dosha by the letters V, P, K
- Cumin (V, P, K)
- Coriander (V, P, K)
- Ginger (V, K) - a must in all hummus really!
- Garlic/wild garlic (V, K)
- Cinnamon (V, P, K)
- Fennel (V, P, K)
- Black pepper (V, K)
- Cardamom (V, P, K)
- Chilli powder (K)
- Paprika (V, K)
- Coriander leaf (V, P, K)
- Parsley (V, P, K)
- Basil (V, K)
Oils/Unctuous ingredients
We have indicated which oil is good for which dosha by the letters V, P, K
- Tahini (V, P K) or sesame seeds
- Sesame oil (V, P, K)
- Almond butter (V, K)
- Coconut oil (P)
- Avocado (V, P)
- Olive oil (V, P, K)
- Mustard oil (V, K)
- Rice bran oil (V, k)
Other flavourings
We have indicated which flavouring is good for which dosha by the letters V, P, K
- Harissa (V, K)
- Chipotle (V, K) - great with black bean
- Horseradish (V, K) - delicious with beetroot
Healthy sides
We have indicated which side is good for which dosha by the letters V, P, K
- Raw crudites or salad (P, K)
- Steamed crudites or warm salad (V, P, K)
- Baked potato (V, P)
- Whole pasta/brown rice (V, P, K)
- Rye toast soldiers (V, K)
- Potato salad (V, P, K)
Our favourites
- Broad bean hummus with parsley, garlic, avocado and tahini served with steamed greens, cucumber crudites or baked potato
- Fava bean hummus with roasted pepper, sun-dried tomato, garlic and basil served with potato salad or whole pasta and green leafy salad
- Butter bean hummus with beetroot, horseradish (or wild garlic) and avocado served with rye toast soldiers
- Moroccan-spiced chickpea hummus with cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cumin and coriander - topped with coriander leaf served with warm rotis or falafel
Time to create a rainbow - enjoy!!
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