Harira is a traditional Moroccan comfort food that is perfect for the post-xmas blues. Also being light, meat free and packed with veg is great for shedding a few festive pounds

Yepp, you know it, I know it, January kind of sucks. Most of the chocolates are gone, the excuse to sit in front of the TV for 8 hours a day has left the building and your checking out your extra tire with distaste.
What you need is a delicious winter warming, fat burning, comforting bowl of Moroccan Harira to soothe the soul and activate your Agni and to boost your metabolism.
If your pitta type you might want to leave out the garlic and top with a delicious spoon of coconut yoghurt but in general this warming soup is perfect for all dosha types on a nippy Winter afternoon.
INGREDIENTS (Serves 2-3)
10 Almonds soaked and halved
1-2 tbsp sesame oil
1 large onions , finely chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp cumin
½ tsp cinnamon
1 teaspoon fenugreek
500g carton passata
1.7l reduced-salt vegetable bouillon
Can chickpeas
2 carrots, chopped into small pieces
1 sweet potato , peeled and diced
5 celery sticks , chopped into small pieces
⅔ small pack coriander , few sprigs reserved, the rest chopped
1. Heat the oil in a large non-stick sauté pan over a medium heat and fry the onions, carrot and sweet potato until starting to soften. Add the garlic and spices, stir briefly, then pour in the passata and stock. 3. Add the chickpeas, almonds and celery and bring to the boil. 4. Cover the pan and leave to simmer for 30 mins, then cook uncovered for a further 5-10 mins until the vegetables and chickpeas tender. Stir in the chopped coriander and serve in with the reserved coriander sprinkled over.
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EATING Ayurveda: 🎃Need inspiration on what to cook in Winter? Check out our more Recipes here
Not sure where to start with organic? Check out the amazing, incredible RIVERFORD FARM - they stole my heart many years ago for being a beautiful, authentic, ethical, democratically-run business with the best interest of the planet and farming at heart.

Living Ayurveda: 🎃Do you want to know how to stay healthy and well this Winter? Check out our Winter Lifestyle tips here

LEARNING Ayurveda: ✅ Do you want to learn more about Ayurveda? Want to know about your mind body type and imbalances, your Agni (digestive fire) type, your mind type, how to detox and the best daily and seasonal routines for you? Join our next Introduction to Ayurveda for Self-Healing Course.

GROWING with Ayurveda: 🤝 Do you want a whole unique meal-plan created just for you with foods specific to you, your Agni and your dosha? Check out our MY-AYURLife plan here

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