Introduction to Ayurveda
for Self-Healing
A 2-week Beginners Deep-Dive Ayurvedic Coaching Series
Designed and delivered by Ayurvedic Practitioner and Educator Faith Warner, M.CM, PGCert (ed), B.Sc
Have you been you feeling off kilter for some time but not sure why?
Has the doctor said you are "fine”, but you know something isn't quite right?
Perhaps you have a long-term health condition that was recently diagnosed or is getting worse?
Or maybe you are just looking to unlock your full potential through greater health and well-being?
If you can say yes to any of these then this course is for you!
Course Overview
This 2-week Live Online Health and Well-being Coaching Series aims to introduce you to the deeply healing and empowering principles of Ayurveda.
Learning Objectives
During this course you will learn exactly what Ayurveda is and why it has been used for over 5,000 years to prevent and manage disease.
Over the course of 10 hours, live with Faith, you will be supported by a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner to decipher your own mind-body constitution, what imbalances you may have, what the root causes of imbalances might be as well as how to harness Ayurveda for self-healing through food, diet, lifestyle, home detoxification, rejuvenation and care of the mind. This is not just a course, is a chance for your to learn, experience and apply to your own unique life, with feedback.
Course structure
The course will take place over 5 evenings in 2 weeks at 17:30 -19:30. If you are unable to attend all of the sessions, you will be able to watch the recording whenever is convenient for you.
Practical learning is at the heart of this series. During the week, we will put you at the centre of the learning process, involving you in interactive and insightful activities and optional sharing and a chance to ask questions and share experiences with like minded self-healers.
Who should attend?
This is an Introductory series suitable for anyone with little or no knowledge of Ayurveda and holistic wellness but feel it calls to them and feels the urge to learn more. The course is best suited for women who are looking to understand themselves, and their health, more deeply for the purposes of self-development, greater well-being and in supporting the well-being of their friends and family.

Ayurveda - What it is and how it works
Prakriti - Your unique bio-energetic mind-body constitution and how this shapes your life and health
Vikriti - Imbalanced mind-body constitution and understanding signs and symptoms
Agni - Digestive fire and symptoms of imbalance, how they develop and how to clear them
Pathya Ahara - Using food as medicine including food qualities and how to eat for your constitution, your imbalances and the season for maximum health
Dina and rtu charya - Using Ayurvedic daily and seasonal routines for health
Detoxification - The what, when, why and how of home cleansing (+ FREE 30-page guide)
Sattvajaya - Care of the mind with Ayurveda
What will the series cover?
Topic Overview
Full Coaching Series Programme
Day 1
The bio-energetic make-up of mind and body (dosha) and the root cause of imbalance in Ayurveda
In this session you will be introduced to the Ayurvedic principle of dosha (mind-body bio-energies). Dosha are the core of every individual's unique mind-body nature, disease tendency and presentation of disease symptoms. You will also learn how diseases arise and how Ayurveda works to correct imbalances.
Using the theory and course material, you will have the opportunity work out your own dosha prakriti (the mind-body type you were born with) and your dosha vikriti (your imbalanced mind-body type) with the chance to clarify this with a practitioner - helping you to apply the theory to you personally.
Day 2
Ayurvedic daily and seasonal routine for optimised well-being and disease prevention
In this session you will be introduced to novel topic of daily and seasonal routines. Ayurveda believes, for optimum health, we must live in accordance with our own biorhythms and the seasons. During session 2 we will show you what this means from an Ayurvedic perspective, what this looks like for each season and dosha and how to get started.
Using the theory and course material on day 2 you will have a chance to look at where you could make changes to your daily and seasonal routines in a way that suits you and consider a long-term plan for improving your health and well-being with Ayurveda.
Day 3
The digestive fire (Agni), its importance in health and how to harness it for greater energy, motivation, immunity and self-healing
In this session you will be introduced to the Ayurvedic functional concept of Agni (the digestive fire) which governs your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food and build a strong healthy mind and body which are resilient to disease. We will also look at Ayurvedic eating habits for health and how food can be used a medicine for the Agni, mind and body.
During the session you will have the opportunity to identify your Agni type and assess if Agni imbalance is the cause of unwelcome symptoms. Developing your understanding of your digestive fire will give you a greater awareness of which habits are hampering your digestion and what simple changes you could make to improve your digestion and well-being.
Day 4:
Ayurvedic home detoxification and rejuvenation for improved immunity, longevity and well-being
On day 4 you will be introduced to the Ayurvedic concept of 'detoxification' and the central role it plays in health. We will debunk a few detox myths, discuss regular detox as part of seasonal routines for health and show you how you can get started with your own home cleanse.
You will be provided with a Free E-Book on Ayurvedic detoxification which you can read before, during or after the the course. During the session we will be answering questions on best detox practices, when to get started and anything else you wish to know to start your detox with confidence.
Day 5: Understanding the mind in motion and using daily habits to boost sleep, resilience, memory and contentment
Finally, on day 5, we will delve into the topic of Sattvajaya, Ayurvedic care of the mind. In Ayurveda, self-care and care of mind and emotions form part of a triad of healing. Awarded parity of esteem to the health of the body, the mind is considered a key element in holistic health and well-being. In this session, we will look at what the 'mind' is in Ayurveda, how the dosha (bio-energies) and our daily living effect motion within the mind and how Ayurveda daily living tools can be implemented for well-being of heart and head, as well as body.
Using the knowledge and tools gained within this session and over the previous 4 days, you will formulate a short and long-term self-coaching plan to improve your mind, confidence, sleep and sense of peace. We will look at how you can apply your understanding of dosha, Agni and daily living to support your own mind health so you can unlock your full potential.
What's Included in The Price?

What Materials Are Included in The Course?
10 hours of live AND recorded educational material on Ayurveda from a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Chef and Educationalist
A course handbook with all material covered in the session
A self-development workbook including well-being tools you can use for the rest of your life
A free 30-Page 7-Day Ayurvedic Detox and Reset Home Cleanse Guide
A chance to make friends with other Ayurveda enthusiasts and grow your well-being network
Access to an Introduction to Ayurveda Facebook group chat where you can learn and share with the other course participants and ask Faith (the course lead) questions on applying your new found knowledge!

When, Where, how much?
Where will the Series take plAce?
The 10 hour programme will take place over 5 evenings (days TBC) over 2 weeks at 17:30 -19:30. Each session will have a maximum of 12 participants. All sessions will be recorded, and a copy of the session recordings will be given to participants at the end of the course.**Please note the session will ONLY be given to those who participated in the course and no-one else**.
If you are unable to attend all sessions, not to worry. We can send the recording the next day if necessary so you can catch up before the next session and, of course, watch them all again and again whenever you like.
Why is the group so small?
AyurLife UK is committed to making our Coaching Programmes small and intimate to ensure you are actively involved in every step of the journey. We want to make sure you get time to learn and share in a way that is really impactful to you.
As learning Ayurveda is a lifelong journey, we are passionate about building relationships within our community of like-minded individuals.
Access to a Facebook group chat is available to you for up to 1 year after the course so we guarantee you will make some friends to support you and grow with along the way!
When is the next course?
2021 dates coming soon!
How much does it cost?
Subscribers: £114.75 (10% discount to email subscribers) Full R.R.P - £127.50
Feedback from Previous students
"The course was a fantastic Intro to Ayurveda - pitched just right, with clear explanations from a teacher who clearly knows her stuff. Faith is funny, caring and judgement-free and I recommend this course to anyone looking for ways to feel better inside and out"
Clare Worley - September 2020 (August 2020 cohort)
Individual: £127.50 (1 ticket at full price)
Better together: £204 (2 tickets at 20% discount each)